Itinerant University of Resistance in Haiti

We promote spaces for meetings, reflection and action to strengthen and accompany the work of Haitian social organizations in defense of the territory in the face of megaprojects.

At UNIR, our activities are aimed at strengthening the work of Haitian social organizations in defense of life in the face of megaprojects, especially the installation of mining megaprojects. We seek to innovate in our activities by creating work tools that can be adapted to all types of audiences.

From this proposal, our offer of Spanish courses is a tool for articulation and connection between organizations in defense of life. Our goal is not to learn Spanish for its own sake, it is an invitation to learn about the history, culture, struggles and resistance of the peoples of Abya Yala.

We carry out training, political, cultural and community exchanges with social organizations from different countries. Through these exchanges, the social organizations of Haiti and the team that collaborates with UNIR join working agendas and articulation.

In addition, our program ‘Fanm Yo la Tou’ seeks to guarantee a space of creation and participation for women. Currently, a scholarship has been launched so that more women can complete their undergraduate theses. Every activity is a step forward, every effort a call for change and commitment.

Spanish as an articulation tool for the defense of life and territory.

We offer Spanish courses through popular education for organizations. In these Spanish courses, there are also spaces to learn more about the history, culture, and struggles of Spanish-speaking Latin America.

Building Knowledge for Change

We also produce pedagogical and political training tools from Popular Education: Trivia “50 questions about mining”, Caribbean Feminist Domino, Spanish exercise book for activists, Trueque de Palabras, Latin African Songbook.

Transcultural Exchanges

We carry out training, political, cultural and community exchanges with social organizations from different countries. Through these exchanges, Haitian social organizations and the team that collaborates with UNIR join work agendas and articulation in defense of the territory in the face of megaprojects.

Fanm Yo la Tou

Fanm Yo la Tou in Spanish translates to “women are also here”.

This is a program within UNIR that seeks to strengthen and give more space to women leaders from different communities in the country. It is a space for creation and work done by women for women.

Join the Resistance

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