Itinerant University of Resistance in Haiti

We are UNIR

The Itinerant University of Resistance in Haiti is a space to strengthen the work of community social organizations that fight for the defense of life and territory. UNIR promotes spaces for meetings, reflection, and action to strengthen collaboration among Haitian organizations and those from the rest of Abya Yala, thereby creating strategies and alternatives – structural and local, political and economic – towards the protection of lands, communities, agriculture, and nature.

Our History

UNIR emerged from the need to get to know and learn from Haiti. In the process of this approach, we became witnesses to the isolation that Haitian people face. This isolation has been deeply rooted in history, culture, geography, and language. Consequently, Haitian social organizations struggle to access educational materials for countering mining and strengthening women’s empowerment in the defense of Mother Earth, and they often find themselves excluded from international movements and networks.

UNIR’s journey has been full of challenges, multiple imaginable obstacles have crossed our path. However, in 2019, we managed to consolidate our work. We now share knowledge, carry out international exchanges, teach Spanish classes as articulation tools for the defense of the territory, create teaching materials and above all we are learning and building together Haitian organizations.

Our Values

Respect for Life

At UNIR, respect for life is the foundation of our struggle. We recognize the deep connection between humans and nature and work tirelessly to preserve the integrity of both. Every action we take is rooted in the belief that all forms of life deserve protection, and we are committed to safeguarding a future in which every living being can thrive in harmony.

Defense of the territory against mega-mining

In UNIR, we strongly oppose the death projects of mega mining. We accompany the processes of protection of our lands and the preservation of our communities.

Women’s Participation

At UNIR, we value and actively promote the full and meaningful participation of women in all aspects of our work. We recognize the importance of women’s voices in decision-making, strategic planning, and building an equitable guarantee the participation of women is to strengthen our communities and guarantee an inclusive representation in the defense of life and territory.

Community Motivation

Community motivation is the engine that drives our work. We believe in the power of solidarity and collaboration to create positive change. We inspire and mobilize our communities to be active agents in the defense of their rights and collective well-being. Our commitment is to strengthen the resilience and determination of communities, creating a united and empowered social fabric.

Why Haiti?

En un mundo que afronta desafíos para lograr paz, soberanía de los pueblos y respeto a la Madre Tierra, es imperativo que unamos nuestras voces y defendamos nuestros territorios ante los megaproyectos. Para lograrlo, es imprescindible que los pueblos de Abya Yala fortalezcan su articulación y recuerden su historia.

Haití hoy mas que nunca necesita nuestra solidaridad y, a su vez, hoy mas que en cualquier otro momento el resto del Abya Yala necesita recordar que Haití fue primer país independiente de América Latina, la primera Revolución identitaria del siglo XVIII. Este hecho cuestionó el orden del mundo impuesto por las grandes potencias. La Revolución haitiana exigió su derecho a existir y enarboló la posibilidad de reclamar la existencia otra, la existencia propia.

La defensa de la vida y nuestra existencia propia comienza con la defensa de nuestro territorio.